You desire to make an impact.
We want to help you discover how.
Resonate Global Representative
We are looking for a Resonate Global Representative who has previous experience within Resonate systems, who works in harmony with the Lead Pastor, Staff, and Leadership Team, and has an understanding of the beliefs, mission, values, and strategy of Resonate Reading and the Resonate Collective at large.
The Resonate Global Representative’s primary responsibilities include providing coaching and assistance to local churches in and around Europe, assisting to equip and send future church planting teams around Europe, and act as a representative of Resonate Reading to the greater Resonate Collective of Chruches.
Location: Reading, England
Pay: Support Raised
To inquire about this position please send an email to global@resonate.net.
We are looking for a Lead Pastor that has previous experience within Resonate systems, who works in harmony with the Staff and Leadership Team, understanding the beliefs, mission, values, and strategy of Resonate Reading.
The Lead Pastor’s primary responsibilities center around what is outlined in Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Peter 5:2-3. As Lead Pastor he strives to glorify God by providing ministerial oversight through shepherding the flock in spiritual and relational growth by modelling what it looks like to love God and love people.
Location: Reading, England
Pay: Support Raised
To inquire about this position please send an email to global@resonate.net.
Resonate is an ever growing collective of
churches. There's no shortage of need to see
leaders like you developed for God's kingdom.
We are looking for 2-4 Campus Missionaries that have previous experience within Resonate systems, who work in harmony with the Pastor, other Staff and Leadership Team, and have an understanding of the beliefs, mission, values, and strategy of Resonate Reading.
A Campus Multiplier’s primary focus is to reach the campus by meeting new people and discipling those who are connected to the church. Multipliers help with leadership development, event planning, managing specific church tasks and endeavours, and continue to reach their campus or city.
Location: Reading, England
Pay: Support Raised
To inquire about this position please send an email to global@resonate.net.